Third Party Integration Requirements

It is common for users of 3rd party integrations built using HOVER’s API to reach out to HOVER with questions and challenges that they face. As a standard practice, HOVER requires the below information from every 3rd party developer that makes their integration public for a larger audience outside of their immediate company.

HOVER values the success of all of our 3rd party development partners. The information below will ensure that we can assist promptly and effectively when needed in order to help our mutual customers.

Staffing and Contact Information

  • Product Lead Name, Email Address, (Phone Number optional)
  • Engineering Lead Name, Email Address, (Phone Number optional)
  • Marketing Lead Name, Email Address, (Phone Number optional)
  • Sales Lead Name, Email Address, (Phone Number optional)
  • Customer Support Lead Name, Email Address, (Phone Number optional)

Technical Review

Recorded Demo of the Integration Workflow

While the primary purpose of this video will be for HOVERs internal reference, please indicate whether or not this video is able to be used for customer facing purposes. If public, HOVER may incorporate content in sales, support, and help center collateral wherever relevant.

API Endpoints used in Integration

Developers should provide which endpoints were used to build their integrations. This will help HOVER catalogue the integration capabilities and may also be published externally on information pages about the integration, either through our Marketplace or our help center pages.

Brand and Product Marketing Review

Public facing collateral

Please submit any collateral or information you plan to share with customers about the integration (help center articles, sales materials, setup instructions, landing pages, etc). We request to review this to ensure that any of the information accurately portrays HOVERs brand and product functionality.

Integration prerequisites

Do your customers have to pay extra or have access to specific features for this integration?

Customer Support, Technical Support, and Product Feedback Review

Description of support organization structure and size

Oftentimes customers reach out to HOVER about the integrations built by 3rd parties. HOVER needs to ensure that the 3rd party support organization is equipped to process questions and escalate technical problems to an internal product owner.

Escalation paths for customer support and technical support with expected response times

HOVER requires a direct channel of communication from our support team to the outside developer’s support organization as well as a direct line of communication to the technical product owner of the integration, with SLAs for response time. HOVER also offers the option to create a connected slack channel for support, product managers, and engineers to communicate on a regular basis.

Escalation path for product feedback

Customers often provide feedback and feature requests directly to HOVER for for integrations built by 3rd parties. HOVER requires a direct channel of communication who owns the integration from a product and engineering perspective in order to submit feedback we hear from our customers. Whether or not that feedback gets addressed is up to the discretion of the 3rd party developer.

Access to a working demo account

HOVER Requires access to an instance of your software program for testing, troubleshooting and demoing the integration when applicable.

Release and Launch Schedule

  1. Anticipated release date
  2. Notification of go live date 2 weeks in advance of initial release to customers
  3. Notification that integration has been pushed live (on date of release to customers)


Please use the link to the form below to submit the above information. For any questions, please contact [email protected]. We value your feedback and partnership and are looking forward to making your integration.

HOVER Developer Submission