Why would I use this?
This end point provides job details scoped to a given job_id
. You might use this endpoint to populate the details of a job, like when it was created or the ID of the user who captured it, in your CRM.
Response Code Snippet
See an example 200 response here, then follow below to learn more about the request and what makes up the responses.
"id": 12384823,
"name": "Interior Job Sample",
"location_line_1": "514 West Chapel Street",
"location_line_2": "",
"location_city": "Santa Maria",
"location_region": "CA",
"location_postal_code": "93458",
"location_country": "US",
"location_lat": "34.9540746",
"location_lon": "-120.4422086",
"created_at": "2024-05-31T21:25:22.474Z",
"updated_at": "2024-05-31T21:26:29.628Z",
"uploaded_at": "2024-05-31T21:26:25.200Z",
"customer_name": "Heoff Gull",
"customer_phone": null,
"customer_email": null,
"archive_number": null,
"archived_at": null,
"customer_first_name": null,
"example": false,
"customer_contact_only_by_email": false,
"customer_contact": null,
"shared": false,
"original_job_id": null,
"client_identifier": "d4b4db9d-ab50-48f7-95ba-a4caa8b7715b",
"machete_features": [
"customer_notes": null,
"org_job_accesses_assigned_lead_count": 0,
"deliverable_id": 8,
"mobile_application_id": 6,
"estimated_hours_to_completion": 0.0,
"approved": true,
"completed_at": null,
"approved_at": null,
"roof_estimate_access_level": "none",
"first_completed_at": null,
"property_type": "single_family_residential",
"approving_user_id": null,
"test_state": "no",
"external_identifier": "",
"captured_user_id": 1527247,
"suppress_email": false,
"suppress_push_notifications": false,
"capture_session_identifier": "d4b4db9d-ab50-48f7-95ba-a4caa8b7715b",
"blueprint": false,
"capture_type": "dense_interior",
"estimated_completed_at": null,
"type": "Job",
"additional_information": null,
"org_place_id": null,
"external_identifier_slug": "",
"blueprint_submission_id": null,
"claim_id": null,
"archived": false,
"org_id": 463605,
"user_id": 1527247,
"state": "complete",
"images": [
"id": 132324549
"id": 132324756
"id": 132324550
"id": 132324552
"rooms": [
"id": 56755,
"name": "living_room 1",
"failure_reasons": [],
"images": [
"id": 132324630,
"url": ""
"id": 132324637,
"url": ""
"id": 132324636,
"url": ""
"id": 132324671,
"url": ""
"id": 56756,
"name": "bedroom 1",
"failure_reasons": [],
"images": [
"id": 132324736,
"url": ""
"id": 132324747,
"url": ""
"wallet": {
"id": 463517,
"org": {
"customer_display_name": "Test Wallet"
"partner_account_identifier": null,
"additional_captured_jobs": [],
"via_org_job_accesses": [
"id": 15999145,
"org_id": 463605,
"kind": "creator",
"lead_state": null,
"ordering_state": "lead"