API Reference

Getting Started

Follow along through the next few pages to learn how to begin using Hover's API.

Anatomy of API Docs

🛑 Common Pitfall Sections 🛑

Some sections contain critical pieces of information that commonly confuse developers, such as limitations of the API, unusual required fields or other critical information we want to call to help developers avoid common pitfalls. When you see content between the red hexagon emojis 🛑 🛑, make sure to take a moment to read it-- it might save you time!

"Why would I use this" Sections

As you traverse our documents you'll notice many pages have a "Why would I use this?" section. These sections are to help provide context for what a particular endpoint can do for your business. These are suggestions, are not the only way the endpoints can be used, but should help spark ideas for how your business might use them.

Use the arrows below to follow logically through the getting started process.

Limitations of The API

To learn about how to work with in the API request limits, please read the info at this link .