API Reference

List All Webhooks

Why would I use this?

This endpoint retrieves all webhooks belonging to the authenticated organization. You might use this endpoint to see how many total webhooks you have, or what URL you are listening to each webhook on.

Response Code Snippet

See an example 200 response here, then follow below to learn more about the request, and what makes up the responses.

    "pagination": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_pages": 10,
        "total": 242
    "results": [
            "id": 10536,
            "owner_type": "Org",
            "owner_id": 492855,
            "url": "https://customization-dream-8656-dev-ed.scratch.my.site.com/services/apexrest/HOVER4SF/hoverwebhook",
            "created_at": "2023-03-23T16:49:48.452Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-03-23T16:49:48.452Z",
            "verified_at": null,
            "hmac_secret": "b/bU0xKt4W+HmzcuREP3hGPHR1ufqGJSdLmhJTRlhCDnY5HG0XLPgbg12nsvfYcpLW6CbpBOaAl8xijP4A2t2g==",
            "last_error": null,
            "content_type": "json"
            "id": 10538,
            "owner_type": "Org",
            "owner_id": 492855,
            "url": "https://customization-dream-8656-dev-ed.scratch.my.site.com/services/apexrest/HOVER4SF/hoverwebhook",
            "created_at": "2023-03-23T17:11:52.673Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-03-23T17:11:52.673Z",
            "verified_at": null,
            "hmac_secret": "XT9Nmwi6ajow/3vNqhzx1TdXLhdQvkNt3SN9otQ3XBvkhzh3Sl7b2B6SnY1vQUcRWZfQ2LgOK6kgkL2UAUFaww==",
            "last_error": null,
            "content_type": "json"

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!