API Reference

Get Job's Primary Image

Why would I use this?

This endpoint allows you to retrieve the primary image for a job. The primary image is the photo taken as the 'front' image of the property during capture. You might want to use this to populate a primary property photo in your own app, or to use in a sales presentation.

Note: If during the photo-capture the photo taken as the "front" is not actually the front, it will change to the true front photo after the job is completed. Our algorigthms identify a front photo for processing. This is seldom an issue and generally an advantage, but we want to call out that this "front" photo could change after capture.

Response Example

A 200 response for this type of request returns a .png image, specifically the 'primary image'. The primary image is the photo taken as the 'front' image of the property during capture.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!