JUMP TOHOVER REST APIWelcomeGetting StartedConnecting to the Hover APICreating and Managing IntegrationsAuthenticating with Hover's APIUsing Postman with Hover's APICreating a Public IntegrationPosting your Integration publicly to the Hover App MarketplaceAuthentication (OAuth 2.0)Get Authorization CodegetGet or Refresh Access TokenpostCapture RequestsList Capture RequestsgetCreate a Capture RequestpostDelete Capture RequestdeleteResend Capture Request NotificationspostCheck for Existing Capture RequestgetGet Capture Request LinkgetWebhooksList All WebhooksgetRegister WebhookpostShow WebhookgetDelete WebhookdeleteVerify WebhookputResend Webhook Verification CodepostDeliverable Change RequestsList Deliverable Change RequestsgetCreate Deliverable Change RequestpostGet Upgrade PricegetDelete Pending Change RequestdeleteBlueprint JobsBlueprint UploadpostJobsList JobsgetShow Job DetailsgetGet Job's Primary ImagegetCreate a JobpostUpdate JobpatchUpdate a Job to Test State CompletepatchArchive Job AccessputRe-Assign Job to a UserpostApprove a JobpatchChecklistsGet All Checklists for a JobgetGet a Job's Latest ChecklistgetImagesRetrieve Rotated ImagegetList Job Wireframe ImagesgetWireframe RoofgetMeasurements and DeliverablesGet JSON MeasurementsgetGet XML 3D ExportgetGet Measurement PDFgetGet XLSX MeasurementsgetGet ESX ExportgetGet SKP ExportgetJob Share LinksList Job Share LinksgetCreate Job Share LinkspostShow Job Share LinksgetDelete Job Share LinksdeleteUpdate Job Share LinkspatchNotesList NotesgetCreate NotepostUpdate NotepatchDelete a NotedeleteUsersList UsersgetShow User ProfilegetInvite User to Existing OrgpostRemove User From OrgpatchPaymentsList PaymentsgetGet a Job's HTML ReceiptgetGet a Job's PDF ReceiptgetWalletsList Available WalletsgetRecommended Waste FactorRecommended Roof Waste FactorgetOrganizationsList Organization TreegetShow Organization DetailsgetUpdate OrganizationpatchInspectionsList InspectionsgetGet Inspection DetailsgetGet Inspection PhotosgetDeep linkingCreate a Deep LinkGraphql apiUsing GraphQLMaterial Lists APIsGet a Job's Material ListEstimation APIsGet Estimate GroupsGet Proposal DocumentsGet Order DocumentsGet PIF/FIF Exportget https://hover.to/api/v2/jobs/{job_id}/xact_schema.xmlGet PIF/FIF Export