Estimation APIs


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Hover’s extension of its measurements tool provides an option to generate estimates, proposals, signed proposals, and orders. This extension is called EHI, which stands for exterior home improvement. EHI’s API endpoints allow contractors to use a Hover measurement information to generate estimates for the home’s exterior retail and/or restoration related repairs or upgrades. The Hover estimation tool, or Estimator, is tailored to the contractors needs and preferences, so that the generated estimates provide accurate outputs for proposals, signed proposal, and Material/Work Orders.


Estimate Group

An estimate group gets generated as a result of the sales rep completing the estimation process (this process is also known as the ‘Estimator’). An estimate is generated for each selected trade template in the estimation process. The collection of estimates is called the Estimate Group. Each Estimate Group can have one or more estimates associated with multiple templates and trades.

Active Estimate

Once an Estimate Group is generated, the Sales Rep/Contractor can select one estimate for each trade type to be used for the particular project. Once an estimate is selected, it’s considered to be “active”. Only one estimate per trade can be active for the particular project. The selected estimate “active” state can be updated by the contractor at any given time.

Sales Opportunity

A sales opportunity is a collection of active estimates in an estimate group. Once the Sales Rep/Contractor has selected the active estimates (the estimate in each trade type that will be included in the project) for the Homeowner, they can create a Proposal/Contract document to be signed and mark the job as “Sold”. Once the job is marked as “Sold”, there will be a sold estimate group and a Production List gets generated. Only one estimate can be marked as sold for a given job, at which point all estimate values are frozen to represent an agreed-upon "sale".

Production List

A production list gets generated once an estimate group is marked as “Sold”. The production list is available for an Admin user type only (e.g. the Contractor’s Production/Ops team). The production list is used to manage the job’s lifecycle once it’s sold, as it contains the following:

Order Management: material order summaries & work orders needed for the project. Orders can be placed with third-party vendors. Once an order has been placed, all associated list items are made available.

Job financials: the sold job contract costs vs. actual job costs, as well as overall job profitability.