Create a Capture Request

Create A Capture Request

This endpoint creates a shell job within the authenticated org and sends an email/SMS invitation to capture a property to the capturing_user.All parameters within the job_attributesarray will be used when creating the job that this endpoint creates.

Why would I use this?

You might use this endpoint to invite another user outside of your Org to capture a job for you. For example, you might have informationin your CRM that indicates you want a user to capture a Hover; using this end point you can use that data in the CRM to automatically create a capture request that is sent to a homeowner. This sends the homeowner a text message and/or email inviting them to capture a Hover property, depending on your organization's preferences. Click here to see how this is done via the UI, if you'd like more context.

Required Body Parameters for this Endpoint:

  • capture_request[capturing_user_name]
  • capture_request[capturing_user_email]
  • current_user_email or current_user_id (only one of these parameters is required)

🛑 Additional Parameters Needed for Org-Level Auth 🛑

This endpoint, when used with Org-level OAuth 2.0, requires a params[current_user_email] or params[current_user_id]. Otherwise, a 401 Unauthorized may be returned as a response.

Response Code Snippet

See an example 201 response here, then follow below to learn more about the request, and what makes up the responses.

    "id": 1521803,
    "capturing_user_name": "Lucille Bluth",
    "capturing_user_phone": "5558675309",
    "capturing_user_email": "[email protected]",
    "capturing_user_id": null,
    "requesting_user_id": 1153372,
    "identifier": "XcUUtA",
    "claim_number": null,
    "state": "new",
    "signup_type": "homeowner",
    "job_attributes": {
        "name": "Vacation Home",
        "location_line_1": "123 Hover Way",
        "location_line_2": "Apartment 22",
        "location_city": "Los Angeles",
        "location_region": "CA",
        "location_postal_code": "90210",
        "external_identifier": "8675309",
        "deliverable_id": 3,
        "client_identifier": "0eb6edb9-b425-4797-8161-18aebf225707"
    "captured_user_id": null,
    "pending_job_id": 10168587,
    "requesting_user": {
        "name": "Integration user",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "org": {
            "id": 55342,
            "name": "Bluth Company",
            "preferences": {
                "external_identifier_label": "Lead Number",
                "external_identifier_required": false
    "org_id": 492855,
    "wallet": {
        "id": 492767,
        "org": {
            "customer_display_name": "Bluth Company"

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!